Thursday, August 26, 2004

White Lies

This story was a letter I sent to Richardsons Roundup on CBC.

Sometimes the stories we tell are not our own, the one I am about to relate belongs to my wife. I don't want to steal her thunder but the story has to be told, specially this time of year.
When our oldest son, Jason was around three we got the family a dog. A cute fuzzy fellow with big black eyes. Jason named the dog Elliot after his Favorite Movie Pete's Dragon. We had a fenced in yard and I made sure the entire perimeter was secure. The dog would wag his stubby tail every time anyone came close.
One day my wife Nadine took the children out for the morning, upon returning there was no barking at the gate, no wagging tail, no big black eyes. The gate was still secure no signs of any digging under the fence. Nothing! No dog! Jason was devastated. Nadine was in a panic and I was busy at work unaware of any of this. We looked for days for Elliot to no avail. In the end Nadine sat down with Jason and explained that somewhere out there was a child who had no friends, no toys to play with, nothing. Elliot felt sorry for this child and knew Jason would understand, Elliot left to look out for them. Jason accepted the explanation and seemed somewhat consoled with the thought that his pet was looking out for someone in need.
Time passed, we never did get another dog. It was hard on all of us. About four months later Nadine took the children to MacDonald's. At that time you could purchase Lego with the meals and since Lego was a favourite toy of our children she would stockpile it in her purse so we could stuff the Christmas stockings. Her purse was getting quite full, to the point she could hardly close it, but the kids know Moms purse is out of bounds so don't go in it. One morning Jason got up early, Nadine was in the kitchen and she heard a squeal from the living room.
"Lego", Jason exclaimed! Nadine's' Face grew flushed, she tore into the living room, there on the couch was Jason with bags of Lego in his hands, I am sure the look on his mother's face had informed him he had crossed that invisible line that parents draw out for children. I am sure he had no idea what was going on. Nadine snatched the toys up quickly and stuffed them deep into her purse. Christmas was just a few weeks away, no sense giving the toys to them now.
Jason couldn't seem to understand. The toys are there why can't I play with them? Nadine explained to him, that she had picked up the toys for someone much less fortunate than we were, We had good food, a house, clothes, the other person had nothing.
"OH YEAH", cried Jason, "He has my dog!"


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